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Enhancing the Experiences of LGBTQIA2S+ Communities

The University is creating a task force to develop a clear, collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by LGBTQIA2S+ students, staff, faculty and alumni. This builds upon foundational work by the LSA Working Group report on Supporting LSA’s LGBTQIA2S+ Community and Spectrum Center’s Council for the Advancement of Standards Report.

New Central Action Item added for Year 2

As an institution, U-M has continually set the standard for other colleges and universities through policy advances, including the 1993 decision to add sexual orientation to our nondiscrimination policy and the launch of gender-inclusive housing in 2013. In addition, the Ann Arbor campus is home to the Spectrum Center, the first campus-based gender and sexuality resource center. Founded in 1971, the center serves as a model for over 300 gender and sexuality resource centers nationwide.

To continue its legacy as a leader in equity, inclusion, justice and belonging, the University will launch a task force to develop a clear, collective understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by LGBTQIA2S+ students, staff, faculty and alumni. The Queer and Trans (QT) Task Force will identify areas for improvement and implement strategic actions to enhance LGBTQIA2S+ experiences, ultimately fostering a more diverse, equitable and inclusive environment across all U-M campuses. By setting a high standard for LGBTQIA2S+ inclusivity and support, we aspire to serve as a model for other institutions nationwide and become a beacon of progress and equality in higher education.

In the first year of DEI 2.0, U-M created a core leadership team and hired a graduate student project manager. During Year Two, we will launch the full task force and begin an inventory of policies, practices, resources, programs and initiatives related to LGBTQIA2S+ individuals at U-M. We will also identify points of pride and growth edges, and will launch student focus groups. Plans for Year Three call for creating faculty, staff and alumnx focus groups and developing a multi-campus survey. The survey will be conducted in Year Four, followed by the roll-out of recommendations and the launch of implementation teams in the fifth year.

Responsible Unit(s): Student Life and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI)